FM Suhartati, Wardhana Suryapratama


A study was conducted to know the reduced sugar and branched chain amino acids concentration in substrate that fermented by Aspergillus oryzae. Branched chain amino acids represent amino acids that are very important for microorganism development, including yeast and ruminal microorganism as well as for the growth of the ruminant animal. The study was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). There were five kinds of supplements that were added into the media. So, that this experiment were A: control, B: A + 0.5% urea, C: B + 1% extract of cassava leaves, D: C + 1% isobutyrate, and E: D + 1.3% 2-methilbutyrate. There were five replicates in each treatment. The measured variables in these study were, colonies cell biomass of A. oryzae, reduced sugar, Crude Protein, and branched chain amino acid concentration. The results showed that the highest number of colonies, concentration of reduce sugar, and concentration of branched chain amino acids was obtain from the substrate of treatments D. (Animal Production 4(2): 83-88 (2002)


Key words : Branched Chain Amino Acids, Branched Chain Volatile Fatty Acids, Aspergillus oryzae

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