
Issue Title
Vol 17, No 3 (2015): September Effect of Supplementation Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) as a Source of Alpha-Linolenic Acid on Production Performance and Physical Quality of Egg of Laying Hens Abstract  PDF
Lilik Kartikasari, Adi Magna Patriadi Nuhriawangsa, Bayu Setya Hertanto, Winny Swastike
Vol 17, No 2 (2015): May Productivity of Forages in Grassland Merapi Post-Eruption Area, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Nafiatul Umami, Bambang Suhartanto, Bambang Suwignyo, Nilo Suseno, Sarah Adrian Fenila, Ruslina Fajarwati
Vol 20, No 2 (2018) The Influence of Microclimatic Ammonia Changes in Closed House on Broiler’s Performance in Dry Season Abstract  PDF
Ica Putri Angkeke, Teysar Adi Sarjana, Edjeng Suprijatna
Vol 17, No 3 (2015): September Performance and Meat Quality of Thin Tailed Sheep in Supplementary Feeding Lemuru Fish Oil Protected By Saponification with Different NaOH Concentration Abstract  PDF
Agustinah Setyaningrum, Soeparno Soeparno, Lies Mira Yusiati, Koestantinah Koestantinah
Vol 17, No 3 (2015): September Reproductive Performance of Various Breeds of Sentul Chicken Abstract  PDF
Sigit Mugiyono, Dadang Mulyadi Saleh, Sukardi Sukardi
Vol 20, No 2 (2018) In Vitro Evaluation of Hen Eggshells Addition in Rice Husk on Litter Properties Abstract  PDF
Rudi Afnan, Danar Bias Idana, Ahmad Yani
Vol 19, No 1 (2017) Measurement of Phenotype Characteristics of Sasak Ducks: Indian Runner Ducks of Lombok Island Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Mohammad Hasil Tamzil, Budi Indarsih
Vol 18, No 1 (2016): January Production Systems And Income Generation From The Smallholder Beef Cattle Farming In Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Rini Widiati, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi
Vol 21, No 2 (2019) Content of Prussic Acid and Production of Sorghum Brown Midrib by Adding Urea Fertilizer and Extending Harvesting Time Abstract  PDF
Nafiatul Umami, Nofi Isnaini, Bambang Suhartanto
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