HTSSG Saragih, BS Daryono


Abstract. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of high-protein diet on body weight and Pectoralis thoracicus muscle performance of Pelung and broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) from 1 to 14 days of age. Sixty broilers and Pelung day old chickens (DOC) were fed with high-protein diet containing 25% crude protein (CP) and low-protein diet containing 10% crude protein. The birds were divided into 4 groups, each contained 15 birds. As the control groups, group 1 and group 2 (broilers) were given high protein diet and low protein diet, respectively for 14 days, while group 3 and group 4 (Pelung chickens) were fed on high protein diet and low protein diet, respectively for 14 days. All birds were grown up to 14 days. Variables measured were body weight, Pectoralis thoracicus weight and area, and myofiber diameter. At 1; 7 and 14 days, pectoralis muscles were dissected and measurements were conducted. Data were statistically analyzed using the ANOVA of One Way Classification, followed by  Tukey test. The results showed that Pelung chicken have lower body weight, Pectoralis thoracicus weight and area, and myofiber diameter compared to broiler chicken. Pelung chicken fed on high-protein diet showed higher body weight, Pectoralis thoracicus weight and area, and myofiber diameter at 7 and 14 days compared to the Pelung fed on low-protein diet. In conclusion, high-protein diet succeeded to support body weight and Pectoralis thoracicus muscle performance in broiler and pelung chickens.


Keywords: High-protein diet, Pelung chickens, Pectoralis thoracicus muscle


Abstrak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pakan berprotein tinggi terhadap bobot badan dan performans otot Pectoralis thoracicus ayam pedaging dan ayam Pelung. Enam puluh ekor anak ayam umur sehari (DOC) yang terdiri atas 30 ekor ayam pedaging (galur Cobb 500) dan 30 ekor ayam Pelung dengan bobot antara 30-40 gram digunakan pada penelitian ini. Ayam dibagi dalam 4 kelompok dan masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 15 ekor DOC. Kelompok pertama sebagai kontrol adalah DOC ayam pedaging yang diberi pakan yang mengandung protein tinggi yaitu 25%. Kelompok kedua, DOC ayam pedaging yang diberi pakan protein rendah yaitu 10%. Kelompok ketiga, DOC ayam Pelung yang diberi pakan berprotein tinggi dan kelompok keempat, DOC ayam Pelung yang diberi pakan rendah protein. Ayam dipelihara selama 14 hari.  Variable yang diukur meliputi bobot badan, bobot dan area otot Pectoralis thoracicus, dan diameter miofibril. Data dianalisis dengan analisis variansi, dilanjutkan dengan Uji Tukey. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ayam Pelung memiliki bobot badan, bobot dan luas area otot, dan diameter miofibril yang lebih rendah dibanding ayam pedaging.  Ayam Pelung yang diberi pakan berprotein tinggi menghasilkan bobot badan, bobot dan luas area otot Pectoralis thoracicus dan diameter miofibril pada hari ke 7 dan 14 yang lebih tinggi dibanding ayam Pelung yang diberi pakan rendah protein. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pakan protein tinggi pada ayam broiler dan  Pelung dapat meningkatkan bobot badan dan penampilan otot Pectoralis thoracicus pada bagian otot dada.

Kata kunci: Pakan protein tinggi, ayam pelung, otot Pectoralis thoracicus


HTSSG Saragih and BS Daryono/Animal Production 14(3):199-204, September 2012

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